Eugene Polianychko

Results 8 comments of Eugene Polianychko

I've faced with "Non-string YAML keys" problem, but in the context of helm itself, more specifically a helm template has integer key. As far as I understand this is because...

@RomanYshko мне кажется в данном случае такая ошибка вполне логична и ожидаема, если действительно получатель отписался от бота, поэтому как вариант можно просто ловить это исключение и удалять соответствующий id....

@stefanprodan I've just tested by running kustomize build locally - it produces the value with null correctly and as I've mentioned it works as expected when the resource is created...

`kubectl apply --server-side=true` works correctly in my simple test, but it causes a conflict with helm-controller managed field.

I think that this is indeed not a kustomize controller issue and not even a fluxcd issue, but if there are any ideas on the solution then can be moved...

I've just started cert-exporter without secrets-namespace arg and it successfully found and checked two secrets in two different namespaces.

> How many exactly? 979 (configmaps + secrets) although want to note that only some of the workloads have reloader annotation with only one secret referenced each

I faced this issue as well. It's already December, any plans to merge the fix?