
Results 285 comments of messense

I've opened #158 that adds `CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` and `CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR` based `CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS` and `CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH`, it's tested with `cross` for supported targets.

Paves the way for RISCV 32 and 64 bit support.

I'd like to be able to use this action on self hosted arm64 linux actions runner which is currently not possible.

Apparently some offset is wrong with archive files in the universal library, will investigate and fix it later.

fat-macho is basically a pure Rust implementation of lipo, it runs on macOS, Linux and Windows makes it easier for cross compiling on non-macOS machine. But it's a pretty new...

Interesting, the Xcode integration tests failed locally on my Mac (Big Sur 11.2) iphonesimulator14.4, but it works on CI? ``` [INFO cargo_lipo::meta] Will build universal library for ["static1", "static2build", "static3bin"]...

Oh, it fails the with same error with master branch.

With this PR I think we can allow it to [run on non-macOS]( when `xcode-integ` is off.

`cat /proc/cpuinfo` 看看,感觉是 CPU 太老了。

Thanks for posting this, the code was a naive port of crfsuite, I'm sure a lot can be optimized.