
Results 11 comments of mertkayhan

@rlancemartin @jeffvestal I've added one example and ran black over the file. Pls let me know if the example is making sense

I will be able to resolve it Thursday evening (CET). Unfortunately, I don’t got access to my laptop right now, apologies for the inconvenience

This time it seems to run for me locally on my macbook (although since greenlet fails to install so I ended up manually installing the deps), if this attempt also...

Thanks @leo-gan , I just updated the branch. Also added a similar functionality to the new ```ElasticsearchStore```.

@joemcelroy Good idea! Okay, will only update ElasticsearchStore and add tests as well

Hey @efriis, I just pushed the requested changes. I will add the test tomorrow :)

I noticed one thing while running the linter: `langchain/vectorstores/ error: Argument "source" to "search" of "Elasticsearch" has incompatible type "List[str]"; expected "Union[bool, Mapping[str, Any], None]" [arg-type]` Looking at the client's...

Ah yes, forgot about that

> hey @mertkayhan I didn't see your change here, but I bumped metabase today and think I trampled a change here. If you fix it I can get this merged...

hey @michaeljguarino I merged the main and bumped the chart tag - pls let me know if this is ok now