
Results 17 comments of gaowanqiu

I will try to implement it next week.

Failed. Only add `promises.push(this.sendCommand("inferior-tty-set --"));` can't work. I will learn to how to implement debug to VSCode totally.

just a suggestion. how about use ?

because of SIP, you can't use proxychains-ng to proxy a execute which is in system dir like /usr/bin. But /usr/local/bin can works. Something like youtube-dl with call python which is...

@lvxianchao 是的,正是因为star太多才想来管理下。Dev Tools 的 network panel 里后面的一些请求,response 里显示的就是滥用被防御了。 抛砖引玉,比如 `page < 5` 时,可以就保持现在的逻辑,一次同时拉取所有页,否则可以按照一次拉 5 页,然后用户点击 load 再拉下 5 页。看起来只要请求不是太频繁就不会被防御。 顺便问一下,是不是拉取一次后,这些数据都会被本地存储起来?

~~Another python3 compatible problem?~~ Test in python2, force build works, but when **push**(I can not test PR event), GitHub EE repo webhook still show `500, failed `, `twistd.log` same as...

@tardyp After reading doc and source code, I think I need set `github_api_endpoint` to proper value, but sorry for that I am a newbie in python, can you provide a...

After change all `` to `/api/v3` in buildbot repo, install master from source, same error as above. DB is empty?

Solved. Source code use `payload['repository']['html_url']`, but I just use the url in **Clone with HTTPS** which contains `.git`. Finally, Am I need set `github_api_endpoint`? If yes, how to set? Thx.

this is very useful. any process on this PR?