Pawel Garbacz
Pawel Garbacz
Some definitions in FIBO seem do not follow the rules specified in they are not sentence parts ("definientia"), but full sentences or even "sentence sequences". Using some simple NLP...
Each api-doc in [api-doc]( should contain an example of the request that it describes.
OwlDataHandler has now more than 20 methods and 1500+ lines of code. This is definitely too much, so it needs to be refactored into several classes. spec, in particular section, second bullet, requires that "fractional second string, if present, must not end in '0'". Still there is quite a lot of strings that are...
Do you have any plans to add other systems of measurement, in particular United States customary units?
Currently, subAnnotations are available for display only for annotation axioms. We need to extend this to all types of axioms, including logical axioms. An example of the latter is in...
The example below illustrates the problem announced in the title - it comes from This issues is related to #362 and was identified during a review of #363. **Original**...
I think that your translation of the sentences of the form 'Some As are Bs' is incorrect, e.g.: Some musicians love music. > ∃x (Musician(x) **→** Love(x, music)) Some fish...
The attached table collects 500+ triples from FIBO PROD (commit: [dbdd526]( where the object value is a URL that possibly does not refer (any more). [fibo_prod_possibly_broken_urls_dbdd526.xlsx]( The check for these...
As of [f210bb0]( IDMPO contains 17 OWL restrictions patterns like the one below: - [SPOR data classification]( rdfs:subClassOf [SPORControlledVocabularyTerm]( - [SPORControlledVocabularyTerm]( [has SPOR visibility]( exactly 1 [SPOR data classification]( [see:...