Marcello Rocha

Results 21 comments of Marcello Rocha

@fabiocolacio while mermaid is pretty flexible, trying to do a proper flowchart results in a weird result, besides some elements being huge =/ flowchart.js gives you proper flowchart semantics/shapes and...

Just adding the link to the project website as, for flowchart, this is way cleaner than mermaid:

I took a look at `rom-factory` but I'm under the impression that it ends up writing to the DB, right?

I'm looking at it using my `hanami/model`'s glasses: If someone is using their own structs (`struct_namespace`) there (even with a couple of methods inside), they will probably be caught off-guard...

By next version you mean rom-4.0? =)

@flash-gordon While I do agree that having a constraint at the database level is the right thing to do, I see no way to enforce it to the end users....

This seems to be an issue on `dry-schema` itself. The `ValueCoercer`s get kinda funky when you have a `value` (or `filled` for that matter) of `:hash` and this leads to...

So after some diving into this, it relates more into `dry-types`. Let me see if I can explain what's happening: `Dry::Types::Schema#resolve_safe` goes on to evaluate each key and its type....

If you set if to `nil` `dry-configurable` will return `nil` even if there's a default as it assumes that was intentional (IIRC - has been a while since I delved...

It seems that the instantiate a `Reek::Examiner` without any options. That loads a default configuration using `Reek::Configuration::AppConfiguration.default` but that does not trigger the config file loading. Reek's CLI passes to...