Meni Shmueli
Meni Shmueli
Hi @VitorNoro! sorry for the long response The issue with supporting AWS Glue with DataFlint OSS is that the Spark UI is not enabled on the cluster. When you use...
I'm keeping this issue open until I will add a better error message when trying to run DataFlint on AWS glue
Cool! if there anything else I can do to help you, you can contact me via the DataFlint slack community (join link in the README) or via linkedin (
Added an alert "No UI detected, skipping installation" if UI is turned off
Hi @barunpuri! The source of the issue is not "auto refresh", as when DataFlint in history server mode it doesn't refresh (there is no reason to). There is a server...
The request that is failing with 500 is GET request for an official Spark REST API endpoint (Source: I got multiple reports so far that this request tends to...