
Results 19 issues of menglin0320

cv2.error: -------src-dir-------/opencv-2.4.10/modules/highgui/src/window.cpp:483: error: (-2) The function is not implemented. where should I do the cmake..

I tried to use python version diff-match-patch to visualize my ocr experiment result. aka difference between gt and prediction. If I just follow the instruction ` dmp = dmp_module.diff_match_patch() diff...

Basically I want to achieve concurrent work with multithreading and my current inference code is pycuda + tensorrt. **why I want to do so** I'm trying to optimize the inference...

I found that you used elu as the activation function for gan, but on the DCGAN paper they suggest us to use lrelu for the discriminator, relu for encoder and...

you did ly.conv2d_transpose(train, 128, 3, stride=2, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, normalizer_fn=ly.batch_norm, padding='SAME', weights_initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(0, 0.02)) I wonder if input variable is_training for function ly.batch_norm is always set to False. And if so does batch_norm...

I don't know why nobody pointed it out, should be a easy fix

I feel that the image_feature should be h4 before activation function and batch normalization. Did you guys try to do it based on the paper writer's code?

Did you find any paper or did you do any empirical experiment that proves that simply adding l1 loss to hidden representation encourages sparsity on the hidden representation