Francesco Menghi
Francesco Menghi
**What happened**: Vercel is having trouble with our ESLint configuration: ``` error - ESLint: Failed to load plugin 'react' declared in '.eslintrc.js » @senecacdot/eslint-config-telescope': Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-react' Require stack:...
Our Release workflow automatically pushes the latest versions of our packages `@senecacdot/satellite` and `@senecacdot/eslint-config-telescope` after their version number have been manually increased. We should explain this in the Release docs:...
We should add a README to our `eslint-config-telescope` package. Right now the npmjs page is empty: Here's Airbnb's config README for inspiration:
In the new User Settings Modal, the Web Handlers body has an overflow. 
Clicking anywhere in these red areas triggers the `handleImportClick()` function.
To continue the plan from, we should split Providers from Models in Settings. We can show the list of providers on the left under "Providers" and rework the layout...
"Export as Image" doesn't include text when exported from dark mode: |  |  | |----|-----|