
Results 22 comments of memory

Slight nudge; is this functionality that you'd be interested in merging in?

Probably not a bad idea! (Although at this point who doesn't have a gmail account? :)

Appears fine on first blush. @mxschmitt any thoughts?

This is definitely something I'd like to implement, as well as an "admin" interface that lets you see and edit/delete all the links. No guarantees on when but for sure!...

This would also help for management of service meshes such as linkerd or istio, where one might want to add annotations to control mesh proxy injection into the `kube-system` or...

For anyone else who's running into this, we've for the moment worked around it with a truly awful abuse of the null resource and local provisioner: ``` resource "null_resource" "k8s_patcher"...

actually while you're here, implementing a general suppression of "active" output would be great: the "progress bar" indicator looks great when being used interactively, but results in endless lines of...

Yes, but even with the `--logs` flag, there is an animated "progress bar" for both the "Creating release" and "Push" steps: ![image]( That's nifty inside an xtermish console, but in...

Hi, has there been any progress on this? If the cli weren't written in typescript I'd try to wrangle a PR myself. :) cc: @pcarranzav