Results 5 issues of DRo

1. If regular array unpacking fails (item not present in vartype_to_ctype, it is checked if the array is a an array of records 2. The record information is extracted (with...

As many others I was puzzled at first when reading the documentation and seeing that `kwargs` was being used without `**` in the callbacks. And soon I found out that,...

Considering your input from #115, I don't know if this is down to the converter or it shall go upstream. This will work after being translated: ```markdown ![image text](hello.png) ```...

OS: Ubuntu 20.04 running in WSL2 Installed with snap ``` snap install pyflow --classic ``` Failure ``` dro@LAPTOP-K91MGR9O:~/tmp/podemium2$ RUST_BACKTRACE=full pyflow install mkdocs-material 🐍 Setting up Python... ⬇ Installing six 1.16.0...

The code is looking for `grammarly-ls` on the PATH. But the binary which is installed by npm is `grammarly-languageserver`. This means that if the binary is installed manually as indicated...
