Morten Enemark Lund
Morten Enemark Lund
When using the custom shell wrapper with powershell I get an error from github actions: I am doing something like this on Windows runner. ``` - run: pytest shell: pixi...
I stumbled on this problem with out self-hosted windows runners. It doesn't cause the action to fail, so I only saw by chance.  It looks like the cache is...
We had a lot of trouble getting the `weasyprint` dependency of sphinx-simplepdf working on windows. We had dll issues (`OSError: cannot load library 'gobject-2.0-0'`) which only resolved by manually installing...
It could be convinient if the library could detect a messed up windows registry for AnyBody. Then provide a suggestion for reinstalling AnyBody. If for example the following key is...
This most likely happens because the repr skips the "task_*" variables in the data and hence doesn't properly close the printed scope
This can happen if we try to dump a variable with file path