Leigh Hayes
Leigh Hayes
I am making the project that needs to store the audio and video file from on original video file. S3 bucket is gonna be used for that. Thanks
Hi everyone, I just implemented data storing to the pinecone using OpenAI Embeddings but I can't get data id. How can I do that? I used langchain but it's impossible...
Hi, everyone. I am trying to use `react-hook-speech-to-text` module in my Next.js Chatbot but I get the error when I try to deploy to Vercel. Some dependencies are missing. Please...
Hello guys. I know that we can use OpenAI as a RESTful API. But This is not a streaming. I need to implement typing action. How can I do that?
Hello guys. How can I use OpenAI GPT-4 version? Is that not free version?