MM. Mostafa

Results 6 issues of MM. Mostafa

On some of the linux machines I have, it was installed with pip: `pip3 install autoxgb` but simply doing: `import autoxgb` ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'autoxgb'

I am trying to run: > autoxgb predict --model_path output/ --test_filename test_file.csv --out_filename tmp.csv test_file.csv is > where test_file.csv is: >id,L0_n,L0_r,L0_w,L0_s,L0_freq,L0_L,L0_Q 700,2.25,67,15,2.1,2.25,1.406883,17.5144 701,5.75,69,22,2.1,2.25,14.00953,14.61921 I get the following error: > File...

When I look at : ``` error += (model(data) * std - data.y * std).abs().sum().item() # MAE ``` I am curious what the .sum is doing here? Aren't these just...

The single digits accuracy curve shows ~90% but the logs inside the notebook shows something like ~74%, which one is right?

Where is partII :) ?

When trying to run the tests: python3 mars-explorer/tests/ I get gym.error.Error: No registered env with id: exploConf-v01