I manage to decode config.bin but when I try to encode the .xml I always get that ... C:\Users\SEth-PC\zte-config-utility>python examples/ --key-prefix NONE --iv-prefix NONE --key-suffix Key02710010 --iv-suffix Iv02710010 config.bin config.xml...
i did what u told me and gave me... C:\Users\SEth-PC\zte-config-utility>python examples/ --key-prefix NONE --iv-prefix NONE --key-suffix Key02710010 --iv-suffix Iv02710010 --signature "ZXHN H298Q V7.0" --use-signature-encryption config.xml config2.bin Using signature: ZXHN H298Q...
now it gave me... C:\Users\SEth-PC\zte-config-utility>python examples/ --key-prefix NONE --iv-prefix NONE --key-suffix Key02710010 --iv-suffix Iv02710010 --signature "ZXHN H268Q V7.0" --use-signature-encryption config.xml config2.bin Using signature: ZXHN H268Q V7.0 Using key suffix: Key02710010...
I just tried to update rooter with edited config.bin and it gave me Integrity check failed" Is there anything I can do? I only changed ssh from 0 to 1...
what is the point to encode a config.bin if it is not possible the router to accept it? Is there a way to bypass this issue?
how can I send it to u and noone else have access to it ? When I tried to upload the edited config.bin file to the router through software upgrade...
I finally did it...Telnet is already ON later ssh Thank U my friend u r genius :)
i just used the corrected commands u proposed me My issues is that i have not root shell telnet authority... whats wrong with that?
iam connected as root with putty then telnet connection as CLI# but many commands are missing and not work like "shell" , "set" etc... whats wrong with it?
how I do that?