You don't need a separate system to reproduce. Modified instructions for a single system: ``` zfs send -R z@copy > z.img snap remove lxd # just to make sure LXD...
The workaround works because the status page checks for custom DNS settings of the @ A record uses this code: management/ # Get the list of domains that we don't...
I suggest closing this and fixing #2104 instead.
Mailinabox now runs on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. This issue should be closed.
It looks like the feature request should be changed to: Add a flag to "incus publish", to publish the container in the split tarball image format.
Since this is needed in order to add the image to simplestreams, it can also be done by a command in incus-simplestreams. For example: incus-simplestreams split-image . I made the...
Mailinabox runs fine in an LXD or Incus container. I've used it with both of these container systems, and I've seen a few comments in the forum from other people...