Never done before but maybe its a good opportunity to look into that stuff ;)
This is an issue, for all that are or will using (express-)handlebars in the newest versions. As for my self I upgraded my kubuntu to 19.10 and with mongodb 3.6...
interesting approach its a good way to revert the breaking changes, that way its update-save. But I would really like to see an implementation of runtime options into express-handlebars so...
ok, here is an other approach: we can use the _renderTemplate hook quiet easily. ``` var expressHbs = require('express-handlebars'); var hbs = expressHbs.create({ defaultLayout: 'main', layoutsDir: path.join(__dirname, 'views/layouts'), extname: 'hbs',...
> how to implement this on express?? > just i missunderstand this > > i have this code: > > ``` > const express = require("express"); > const path =...