Mehul Kar

Results 104 issues of Mehul Kar

Would be awesome to add a web manifest at `/manifest.json` so I can save this to my homescreen and play on my phone!

I'm using the handlbars_assets gem in a Rails 4 + Ember (post 1.0) application and loading handlebars.js v1.3.0 ``` ruby # application.rb HandlebarsAssets::Config.ember = true HandlebarsAssets::Config.template_namespace = 'Ember.TEMPLATES' ``` I...

`` should be a glimmer component

seeing this error in console ![Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 4 53 40 PM](




The main purpose of services is to be an injectable singleton. It does not seem to be gaining much by [extending from `FrameworkObject`][1] which [inherits from CoreObject][2]. The main benefit...

Seeking Co-author

Just tried running my app with the Octane blueprint and boot failed because jquery is used in this addon. It looks like it's not specified as a dependency though, so...

I wasn't able to run ember deploy production when my repository is set to a Github Enterprise URL. I traced it down to the `hosted-git-info`, and I think it's becuase...