
Results 11 comments of May

I had to install the tensorflow on the conda, and it worked! I am trying to train it on my own data, is there a guideline on how to select...

I used around 2700 images, I just changed `depth`, and `batch_size` to see if I get a better result, I also removed night/dark ones. `classify(path_prefix = paste0(test.image.path,"/"), data_info = paste0(renamed.path,"/image_labels.csv"),...

Thanks @mikeyEcology , so around 2-5000 per species? I change the depth to 152, and increase the number of files a bit and see what happens. Again thanks for guiding...

Definitely, I will let you know once the training is finished. Thanks again!

Hello @mikeyEcology . I tried to add more to my training, and augmented some for species that didn't have enough. I wasn't able to run it on 152 depth, but...

Thanks @mikeyEcology for your response. I already have shiny and post analysis setup for my code :-) It seems that MLWIC is just for setting up, but the backbone algorithm...

Thank again @mikeyEcology. I have to say your responsiveness and effort for helping me is really appreciated, comparing to R package maintainers in our field. So thanks again for spending...

Thanks @mikeyEcology. I actually have 16 cores, 128 RAm, but I guess it'll use all cores, but I have no idea how parallelization works in Python. Yes, I have the...

Thanks Mikey. Maybe I wasn't clear, with the retrain procedure. I assumed that it will be an option for me to do my training in multiple batches, not splitting the...

Yes, my dataset is not that big, I have around ~2000 for most species, but for some they weren't that common so there's not that many photo. Maybe I need...