Mehmet Oguz Derin
Mehmet Oguz Derin
As per the consensus here, which had serious time and energy of the group with further downstream advantages for WGSL spec tools, too, I would advocate going by the...
I elaborated on why generalized syntax in this comment, merits for TL;DR or paragraphs otherwise: The spec is not and should not be ambiguous. What I mean there is...
- Going from 10 to 9 places of change is one less place to change, and still having 9 of them does not invalidate the value of gain. - WGSL...
TBH, the issue needs to split as it seems like there are four things at discussion here: 1. Behavior change so that user declarations do not shadow predeclared enumerant values...
Although I think visual aids are great for the comprehensibility of spec, sometimes the balance between generalization and specificity can be challenging given the formality of the text (especially considering...
One more idea: The code can use `$TARGETPLATFORM` to surgically select the correct deb package in image build time as seen in
In case I didn't forget anything while writing the comment, another consideration is how to go about qualifying f32 (unorm or snorm). I've run by @kainino0x against these features...
@ShinFujieda Sure thing, I'll take a look at it this week. Thank you for the information!
@ShinFujieda I've sent a commit to fix the build issues in Ubuntu 22.04! The issue was mostly due to the C++ Standard version not propagating well to the compiler and...
@ShinFujieda thank you! Is the screenshot from Windows or Ubuntu?