> Hi @mehmetcy84, I'm also facing the same errors while trying to run client Viewer Sample on Windows 11 64bit + VS2017. I'm trying with "-DLWS_WITH_THREADPOOL=1" at libwebsockets building, but...
> Hi @mehmetcy84, the error codes from your logs mean the following: > > 1. 0x58000018: `STATUS_BINDING_SOCKET_FAILED` > 2. 0x5800001a: `STATUS_SEND_DATA_FAILED` > 3. 0x0000000a: `STATUS_READ_FILE_FAILED` > I think the first...
> Tried updating libwebsocket to latest version (v4.3.2) but no effect. Have you been able to find a workaround for this?
Has there been any change regarding this issue? I am seeing the same build error with my kinesis SDK configuration on Win64 VS2017 setup. Modified my bat file as: `call...
Setting -DLWS_WITH_THREADPOOL=0 (changed from 1 to 0) in .\amazon-kinesis-video-streams-webrtc-sdk-c\CMake\Dependencies\libwebsockets-CMakeLists.txt and attempting again, the build succeeded. Though I am not sure at what cost I managed to build the SDK by...
> use spm I also face the same issue, and could run the sample app only by installing XCode 11. What is spm, and how it is used to remedy...
Are there any news regarding this issue?
> hi @mehmetcy84, have you solved this problem yet @uianster Unfortunately not yet. I have all sorts of issues running the Kvs Viewer client on Windows. Signaling (sending SDP offer)...
@uianster Oh my goodness. After months of agony, thanks to you, finally a working solution! @nitslp-ri Removing POLLPRI and increasing the timeout duration fixed for me. Kinesis people, please do...
> > Tried updating libwebsocket to latest version (v4.3.2) but no effect. > > Have you been able to find a workaround for this? @nitslp-ri how did you manage to...