Results 5 comments of Mehmet Akbulut

Hi @webcoyote ! Thank you so much for this MR. Have you had a chance to test this change? I believe this should work without any side effects. I haven't...

Hi Danzel! I have been working on getting the source generator contributed to ASP.NET Core so hopefully these capabilities will be available out-of-box at some point. If you have the...

If you are already happy with source-generator over dynamic, I'd recommend staying with the source-generator though.

I see this same issue with `403` on version `1.5.2`. What should happen is: 1. BloomRPC makes a call 2. Server responds with 403 3. BloomRPC shows the call failed...

I'm all for having native support for conic sections (not sure what this "support" should look like) but, as an aerospace engineer by training, I don't think orbital propagation is...