I'm interested in this. Since Guix is based on Nix and presumably uses the same file formats, all it would take is something like `guix build hello | cachix push...
It should be possible to simply use the existing IPFS binary, and set the environmental variable IPFS_PATH: `export IPFS_PATH=$HOME/.peergos/.ipfs`. To try for yourself, you can install the Nix package manager...
It seems that "direct boot" also affects the outcome. Running with "Direct boot: yes" in DS mode makes it freeze as per outcome (2).
I tried generating an empty ramdisk of 26 megabytes with GodMode9 (put in ramdisks/[romname].img) then selecting ramdisk 0 from Twilight Menu. However this still gave the same results for both...
Here's a first draft: I couldn't bundle the whole thing into one executable yet because it loads config.json from the current directory. It should run on any distro without...
Building on Manjaro Linux: `pacman -S sfml lua51 zlib wget`; Also get a copy of `` (save it as `linuxdeploy` in your $PATH somewhere) ``` git clone cd SSVOpenHexagon...
According to : Change the `/etc/apt/sources.list` file to: ```deb jessie main``` then run `apt update`