mehdi sohrabi

Results 9 issues of mehdi sohrabi

I have pages witch contain webview, the content of webviews are different in size. if the content does not fill the view everything is fine, with large content there is...

Hi Vadim First I have to thank you for your great article. I'm wondering is there any specific reason that you used `static` function for `reduce` or feedbacks (`whenLoading`, `userInput`)?

I have implemented The `MVVM+Coordinator` in my app and now i want to `preserve my app state`. so i enabled saving app state via: ``` public func application(_ application: UIApplication,...

when i enable proguard my app getting crashed, what is the right config for this lib?

i need to change my data frequently, so each time i create a new adapter with new data, the data shows well, the problem is the previous header still stood...

is it possible to loop specific video range eg. 0...10 second ?

I have list of download showing in RecyclerView. Some of them are previously downloaded, so i just call `downloadProgress.showDownloadOk()` on them. BUT the tick sign wont show at all. if...

i'm using a `ListView` for my `upperLayer`. When the `AnimationState` is `half_expanded` or `collapsed` i can scroll the `ListView`. I need to disable the scroll in this states and just...