We also have a deadlock using the mqtt client in 2 different threads with the same version (1.4.0) As a quick (and ugly) workaround we did the following wrapper. ````...
Hello! Sorry for the long delay. This project is more a proof of concept than a ready to use project. The freeze may come from the internet connection from the...
Hello, Yes it works as you can see on the HTTP proxy example of the readme
Hi, I guess it would be a airodump-ng output parsing issue. On my raspberry, it is working with the``Aircrack-ng 1.2 beta3`` version. Do you see access points, devices and probes...
More informations: - You may also try the iwlist scanning mode (removing the ``-m`` option). There will be less information (for example no devices, and no probes) but to check...
If I understood well, you have not to write your own script as wifiScanMap already have this feature. Just enable the synchro on the master with ``-e`` and run your...