Markus Reich
Markus Reich
Hi, I'm using a GestureDetector around the CanvasTouchDetector, as I want to draw the shapes dynamically and the for example move the shapes per drag and drop! When I use...
Hi I start a container with command `docker run -d --name cachet -e APP_KEY=base64:TbenN82q/Eqe8FCGG5W4p9gUnwfXGRmEzXfpGWS+/MI= -e DB_DRIVER=mysql -e DB_HOST=mariadb -e DB_DATABASE=cachet -e DB_USERNAME=cachet -e DB_PASSWORD=cachet -p 8000 cachethq/docker:latest` and got following...
Hi, we want to have two managers on each running a treafik service, is this possible/good? we want to achieve High Availability of our Swarm? best regards Meex
Hi, I had a widget ``` Screenshot( controller: _screenshotController, child: Stack(children: [ Image.memory(_data!, fit: BoxFit.cover, width: 1000.0), CustomPaint(painter: DrawingPainter(context, _points, _normStart, _normEnd)), ]), ), ``` which worked with an older...