Peter Richardson

Results 23 comments of Peter Richardson

> treat the largest landcover type as the background, and simplify other landcover polygons before subtracting them This is very close – my initial idea was that assuming there's landcover...

Antarctica does appear to switch over at z7, however Greenland never does – it may be that GMTED doesn't have this data, I see in the [tech sheet]( that "Some...

I just tried running the process again with putty on XP, and it still works here – no problems with that step. I'd suggest trying another shell – I've heard...

I have not, but I'd be very interested to see what you come up with :D

Works for me – those docs could use some updating regardless :)

This would definitely be useful - and couldn't we also specify fallback attribution?

Resolved by

Yep – fixed with

Hi Paul! You're absolutely right, for our house styles the spaces add up quickly. Here are my three cents: - Four is certainly easier to read for simpler styles -...