Kuzey Bilgin
Kuzey Bilgin
> I made a branch to fix that: https://github.com/Darkempire78/OpenCalc/tree/fix-%23299 > > It's now using the material design 3, but not with the good colors Thanks, it is still a clear...
> @Darkempire78 you could also add screenshots. You could save as few minutes. Please be respectful. @Darkempire78 is doing free and volunteer work on an open source project. He literally...
> @meenbeese I didnt meant that in any disrespectful way. Just pointing it out. It would be nice. Yes, in future I'm going to donate. + I'm going to provide...
Why close the PR? I can polish it some more and prepare it to be merged. @bitmold
I am gearing to do the migration like this: `AppCompat` -> `Material Components` -> `Material3`, where we currently are at `AppCompat` and will use the next step as an intermediate...
@codyogden merge or close?
A good place to start would be [here](https://github.com/meenbeese/Mini-JS-Applets/tree/main/image_gallery).
> Thanks! Did you try to set up Cloudflare Preview deployments in your forked repo? They, unfortunately, don't allow to preview PRs from contributor's forks. Or do you know other...
> Can you please share links to previews? Here is the Cloudflare preview but do note that it does not reflect all my changes correctly: https://a5f2e489.organicmaps-github-io.pages.dev/donate/ > Did you do...
> I like the screenshots. Please fix translations separately to reduce the size of PR. Done! Here is the new PR for that: #173