Martin Edström

Results 22 issues of Martin Edström

Maybe it's just my machine. The profiler results are not very enlightening, unfortunately. 20% GC. 60% `eva--existing-diary`, of which half is from `ts-format`. But that doesn't explain why it would...

For background, see the [README]( for all the theory. Current questions on the stats theory ### Re. the model for realtime guesses: - [ ] What kind of model can...

help wanted

I'd like to avoid this heavy dependency. ESS can be complicated to get functional, like the other pre-melpa behemoths org-mode, pdf-tools and auctex. My problems with running R/Rscript with vanilla...

good first issue

## Expected behavior Can kill a sexp in e.g. an Info buffer in order to paste elsewhere. ## Actual behavior Get message "Buffer is read only". ## Steps to reproduce...

###### Motivation for this change One more example. Just a suggestion, but it's fine if you don't want to.

Unfortunately I cannot reproduce, but I lost the content of my `~/.emacs.keyfreq`. It may not even be a keyfreq bug, but I think it's useful to have an issue to...


The current pinned commit is around 2 years old. This PR updates the commit to the one matching That change is backards-compatible with old Cargo behavior, so it should...

### Please tick this box to confirm you have reviewed the above. - [X] I have a different issue. ### What version of ripgrep are you using? ripgrep 13.0.0 -SIMD...


Hi, it'd be nice to be able to do this ``` (->> '("foo" "bar" "baz") ((-flip #'string-join) ",")) ``` Of course there's `s-join` so we don't need `-flip` in this...
