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Adjacent replaced multiline matches result in wrong line numbers

Open meedstrom opened this issue 2 months ago • 4 comments

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What version of ripgrep are you using?

ripgrep 13.0.0 -SIMD -AVX (compiled) +SIMD +AVX (runtime)

How did you install ripgrep?


What operating system are you using ripgrep on?

Kubuntu 23.10

Describe your bug.

This is similar to #2420, and I understand why that's WONTFIX. This is different though.

Using a multiline regexp, when the regexp matches strings that come immediately one after another, it bungles the line numbers of all of them. Easier to show you with a reproduction example:

What are the steps to reproduce the behavior?

Save a file test.txt containing:

:id: fnord
:id: boccob
:id: d321fdddffff
:id: clowns

Then run

rg -nU '^:properties:\n:id: (.*)\n:end:' -r '$1' test.txt

What is the actual behavior?

The result is


Only the first hit is correct.

You can see that the line numbers will be correctly reported if you modify the file to add a newline after each instance of ":end:".

What is the expected behavior?

Expected the result:


meedstrom avatar Apr 11 '24 10:04 meedstrom