Is there any plan for this? The paimon 0.8 release said: With the latest 0.8.0 version of paimon-flink, paimon-spark, paimon-hive, and paimon-trino, you can enjoy the optimized query performance of...
你是不是采用combined node模式?这种部署的模式不是生产的模式,生产模式需要把broker和controller分开部署,比如3 broker + 3 controller,know streaming似乎取不到controller的数量,集群一直是不健康状态 比如我的节点ID:1、2、3是controller,4、5、6是broker,系统只能看到4、5、6,且错认为4,5,6其中之一是controller 此外系统获取我的controller的数量等于0,这就不对了,明明有1个controller(1、2、3中的一个),而combined node模式下可以获取,因为节点既是broker也是controller
We are using the kafka 3.6.1 on kraft model 1. Could latest cc support kraft model without zookeeper? 2. Could "zookeeper.connect" be ignored to be set in config/
> > Provide a demo of cdc to kafka to automatically retrieve the table primary key from MySQL and add the pkNames node to the binlog > > @jiangjin-f When...
> > > @aiwenmo @Zzm0809 > > > I have actually take a look of [Flink CDC]( and Hudi solutions. But it seems a bit hard to implement a connector...