
Results 35 comments of mediabuff

thanks. Could you please shed more light on your observations ?

1) yes, you can use external shared variable and synchronization. But task_completion_source provides a nice packaging and makes the ‘intent’ clear 2) there are many use scenarios. C# and pplx...

Also, please see this 'AcceptAsync

Also, some useful background

Thanks for researching this further and sharing your thoughts. >>One downside of promise/future-style APIs is that they leave the potential for detached computation. ie. cases where the consumer no longer...

I meant hooking into into WM_DPICHANGED etc. to structure the template for building modern DPI aware applications. Much like DynamicDPI SDK sample. Much of this can be abstracted and setup...

I did'nt make any changes - used cmake build straight from the rep.


thank you. Was able to progress. Number of of errors substantially readuced. Add the setting to CMakeSettings.json. Still have few errors: ![image](

is this same as or how different