Michael Doube
Michael Doube
**Describe the bug** `LoopBuilder` is the ImgLib2 way to achieve chunked multithreading, see this for an example (specifically, the 'squared sum' example) https://forum.image.sc/t/imglib2-split-image-into-chunks-for-multi-threaded-processing/37519/4 Modern Connectivity currently uses 8 `cursors` to...
**Describe the bug** Skeletonize3D and AnalyzeSkeleton are called from BoneJ via Modern wrappers. Recent work (#257 #256) on BoneJ highlighted the potential redundancy and duplicated effort involved in maintaining Modern...
**Describe the bug** Ellipsoid image creation takes about twice as long in EF2 as in EF1 **Expected behavior** EF2 should be faster than EF1 **Additional context** Each foreground pixel has...
**Describe the bug** Generating and checking ellipsoid surfaces seems to be the bottleneck for ellipsoid optimisation in Ellipsoid Factor. Two strategies have been tried: - EF1 used a single set...
Axis scale checking is too stringent. A small tolerance should be allowed because it's quite usual for e.g. XMT data to have a decimal place or two different between XY...
BoneJ2 cannot handle irregular ROIs for measurements such as BV/TV and Tb.Th. BoneJ1 could limit measurements to 3D ROIs (series of 2D ROIs) via the ROI manager. ROI handling is...
``` final Rectangle r = stack.getRoi(); ``` Used to give a `Rectangle` either of the bounds of the ROI if one was set or with the dimensions and origin of...