Michael Doube
Michael Doube
Another octant-scanning method that may outperform surface mesh creation Ohser J, Nagel W, Schladitz K (2009) Miles Formulae for Boolean Models Observed on Lattices. Image Anal Stereol 28: 77-92. http://www.wise-t.com/ias/article.php?id=242&year=2009&issue=6
Implementation of mesh-free estimation of SMI uses octant neighbourhood scanning, so could create an OctantScanner class that takes a LUT as input and returns a summary. Ohser, J., Redenbach &...
In-text citation: Superscript,1 numbered,2 after punctuation.1,2 Bibliography: (looks a lot like APA v7) 1. Campbell, J. L., & Pedersen, O. K. (2007). The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. _Comparative...
**Describe the bug** Updating `pom.xml` to use [scijava](https://github.com/scijava/pom-scijava/) 36.0.0 leads to the Mockito wrapper tests failing when running `mvn test -P allTests` **Expected behavior** All the tests pass **Additional context**...
This is a test to see whether the slow wrapper tests that use Mockito will complete on GitHub Actions. Also, to see whether the tests that rely on Mockito mocking...
**Describe the bug** Run Ellipsoid Factor using an image with more than `Integer.MAX_VALUE` pixels and it blows up because (presumably) the underlying map of starting points is a) pixelwise and...
A new model for estimating local thickness has been released for Python, which may be particularly handy for images with large structures. It uses a shape structuring element to simulate...
**Describe the bug** Google Analytics is changing with the service terminating in H2 2023 or thereabouts. This means the user activity stats will not be available or collected any more....
This is just a stub to track https://github.com/imagej/imagej-ops/issues/637
**Describe the bug** On 35cac4e `mvn test -P allTests` dies, complaining: ``` [ERROR] Failures: [ERROR] FractalDimensionWrapperTest.testPointResults:116 Incorrect log(count) value expected: but was: [ERROR] FractalDimensionWrapperTest.testResults:151->lambda$testResults$4:151 Fractal dimension column has a wrong...