Michael Moreau

Results 8 comments of Michael Moreau

@bobbylight @mysticatea I'm noticing the same behavior. I raised a similar issue about postcss-cli (https://github.com/postcss/postcss-cli/issues/215) which was fixed by adjusting the chokidar options as mentioned. Babel has a similar fix...

Has this been fixed? Ran into the issue earlier today, so I'm not sure if it's a problem with my config or something else. It was a brand new project,...

Running into this same issue when getting SVG dimensions from the width/height and viewbox. For SVGs it seems like you'd definitely not want to round the values at all.

I think the distinction is what @Pomax mentioned initially - bitmap images will always be integers while SVGs are designed to use integers and/or decimals. Not supporting decimals ignores a...

Ended up creating https://github.com/mdmoreau/postcss-root-var which works similarly to what @garygreen described.

Sorry, I was in a bit of a rush before and didn't do a great job of explaining the issue. Here's a (hopefully) better breakdown of what I'm noticing. I'm...

@devongovett is adding/subtracting 0.001px sufficient for all browsers? Running into rounding errors after switching from PostCSS. It seems to be enough for Firefox, but in Chrome ```calc(1024px - 0.001px)``` is...

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. For some reason I can't duplicate the issue anymore on the current project. When I get a chance I'm going to set...