Manoel Domingues Junior
Manoel Domingues Junior
The update verification process is performed by consulting the (check this code As the 2.4.2 version is still returned, no updates will appear in the application. Even so,...
I did some tests trying to reproduce your scenario but I couldn't. I believe you can provide more information to enable a better investigation, such as Lulu's logs when you...
Hi, Did you check if Lulu was stopped at the time of the Upgrade? On the installation information page it mentions this. If you still have an error, can...
You can use the `Allow Installed Programs` setting. In this configuration, LuLu will verify that the date the application was added to the folder is before the LuLu installation date....
I downloaded the latest version of LuLu (2.5.0) and qbittorrent (4.5.3) and had no issues. When starting qbittorrent it makes a series of connections, but as the intention is to...
Hi, You mention you are using macOS Catalina 10.15.7. What version of Lulu are you using? As this macOS version is old, it might be interesting to test with [Lulu...
I am investigating this scenario. To simulate this behavior I created a simple Swift application that has a 10 sec timeout and tries to make a connection to a domain...
I tried investigating this issue on macOS 13.4 and was unable to reproduce. Even with LuLu without any configuration, after approving alerts from system applications and applications like Chrome, the...
You can get the LuLu debug logs using `log stream --level debug --predicate="subsystem='com.objective-see.lulu'" ` command using Terminal. It will also be very helpful if you share your LuLu configuration preferences.
I made some calls using perl here: ``` /usr/bin/perl -MHTTP::Tiny -e 'print HTTP::Tiny->new->get(q{})->{content}' ``` And got logs as follows: ``` 2023-05-28 17:35:13.112901-0300 0x1eb01 Debug 0x0 16310 0 com.objective-see.lulu.extension: [com.objective-see.lulu:extension] remote...