I have opened an issue in emmeans and rvlenth has provided some initial responses. It seems there was a change in July 2023 (in response to a previous bug report)...
I don't see a re-open button, so maybe the comments section will do. Here is a reproducible example (cox model borrowed from Therneau: "A package for survival analysis in R"....
Hi Dr. Lenth. I cannot find a way to re-open the issue, and discussion on Stack Exchange seems to indicate that I won't be able to beause I am not...
I agree, issue 429 looks like a related problem except using survreg instead of coxph. On July 10th, in that thread you asked about interactions with stratified factors. Here's a...
Hi, Dr. Lenth. Following your revisions, I have run the script from my previous work and it returns the results that it used to, which is correct according to my...