Michael Desmarest
Michael Desmarest
@eerkunt awesome! I see you were tied up in a whole bunch of issues. Please let me know if there is any further context I can provide to help out....
@eerkunt Just wanted to check in to see if you made any progress on this or were able to disqualify this as a possible feature. I am scaling out my...
@eerkunt Sorry for the delay, I was off for a week. The `source` is the key metric to flag on as this creates a granular place to determine the actual...
@eerkunt let me give you a clearer usecase for understanding, without being able to match against source, I have to write features like # Verifies an s3 bucket being newly...
@kevincox https://terraform-compliance.com/pages/bdd-references/using_tags.html#supported-tags You can think in reverse and tag your scenarios to ignore resources using tags that reference the terraform dotted resource notation ``` Exclude Resources exclude tag prevents the...
@kevincox I totally agree in regard to labeling resources, but thats the only thing that code based scanners like Checkov and TFSec have over this style of scanning. I have...
Hey @dwilliams782 It looks like you are trying to enforce module use, similar to how I am. Take a look at my issue and feature request here: [456](https://github.com/terraform-compliance/cli/issues/456) @eerkunt This...
@dwilliams782 can you show me your stash, redact or replace info with junk. and or take a look at the json. Im not a google cloud guy, but HCL is...
Not sure why you are having an issue, it should be the same for both of us. What version of terraform-compliance are you running? Also, can you reference the `actions`...
Double +1 on this, the warnings create lots of extra noise on the `Scenario Outline` and as stated above, render them useless when changing to the new syntax