Michael Desmarest
Michael Desmarest
@wesley-staples in regard `Another question is how can a search the terraform paths? I want to ensure that "module.team-b-apps" does not actually contain the text "team b".` I use [referenced](https://terraform-compliance.com/pages/bdd-references/then.html#then-it-must-have-address-referenced)...
@Kudbettin Thanks for getting back to me quickly! I understand your reference, but am confused at how you determined the default value, as the terraform docs. here [aws_instance](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/instance#block-devicesl) indicate that...
@eerkunt @Kudbettin YES! this works, see below for confirmation. This is exactly what we need. Thanks so much!!! I see your changes in terraform.py as well as helper.py. After posting...
@Kudbettin Thanks so much for the reply, This type of output is muchShowing the failing feature and its description(which allows us to guide users to the correct compliance), The scenario...
@Kudbettin new silent mode works great, Thanks!
Awesome, let me know if I can help. writeup on our deployment will be available soon!
@eerkunt any luck playing around with this? I have some working features based on negative testing against a series of arguments based on our modules intended output, however it would...
@eerkunt No need to apologize! sorry to hear, glad you are coming out the other side of the worst of it! Get better. Trying to take a stab at some...
@eerkunt > Hmm thinking this again, I think we need to have a new `type` support in `GIVEN` steps for this : module :) Which can be used specifically for...
@eerkunt Just wanted to check in to see if you were playing with this at all in terms of POC, either how you had proposed this via given or the...