Mark Descalzo
Mark Descalzo
- What version of MessageKit are you using? 3.0.0 - What version of iOS are you running on? 12.2 - What version of Swift are you running on? 4.2 -...
Working with the AttachmentManager plugin. When I implement AttachmentManagerDataSource and use a custom subclass of AttachmentCell (DocumentAttachmentCell) and the provided ImageAttachmentCell class, neither cell responds to taps to the deleteButton....
- (void)session:(WCSession *)session didReceiveFile:(WCSessionFile *)file { // TODO }
- (void)session:(WCSession *)session didFinishUserInfoTransfer:(WCSessionUserInfoTransfer *)userInfoTransfer error:(NSError *)error { if (error) { NSLog(@"Error: %@ %@", error, [error userInfo]); } // TODO }
I'm getting my app into a state somehow where I begin to get nil values returned from [[transaction extension: ] objectAtIndexPath: withMappings: ] in a few different view controllers with...
Conditionally set the MSColorSelectionView background color based on iOS version in order to set it appropriately for dark mode.
Added colorViewMode property to allow the color selection mode to be set programmatically. This allows one to set the initial view mode to HSB if they wish.
This callback crashes when the passed error has a nil userInfo object. According to Apple docs, this property is option, but it is required by the the current implementation: `-...
Added support for additional tags: \ \ \ \ \ \ \