Mark Descalzo

Results 14 comments of Mark Descalzo

I've played with the avatar position a bit (not exhaustive) and it has had no effect on the left or right bounds of the messageTopLabel or messageBottomLabel. I'll mess with...

Neither `MessagesCollectionViewLayoutAttributes` or `MessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout` contain padding properties for the top/bottom message labels. There are message container padding properties, but these do not effect the frames of the top/bottom cell/message labels....

If you like, I'll toss a PR over the fence for the label padding properties.

Actually, the MessageSizeCalculator doesn't appear to have padding for the individual labels. I've got a branch of master which implements padding for each label. It gets the padding values from...

Performance issues aside, padding and insets are not the same thing. Padding is space on the outside of an element. An inset is space within an element between border and...

I understand. I'll rework things to avoid the delegate call.

Is there a plan to implement this function? It is useful in cases where the size of the data transmitted from watch to phone is too large for sendMessage or...

I've seen 55k stated on stackoverflow. Our testing shows it isn't quite that straightforward. Compression appears to be applied to the object in transmission so it a function of the...

We'd planned on something like that, but the above put a damper on that. Instead we stringified the JSON blob, broke it into pieces, sent them over transferUserInfo and reassembled...

Excellent news! I'm on another task at the moment. I'll circle back to the transmission problem when I'm done.