Results 8 comments of Matteo

For me is the same. On back button on the toolbar. Possible bug ?

I have not done anything complex. I add an action to navigate to the other scene, inside onLeftElementPress

@xotahal I'm using react-native-router-flux, but like said before @NewOldMax, i turn off dev mode, and now, on virtual device, seems to works normally. But yes, when i click to come...

I don't think that, there is something wrong. Before using this package, i've used ToolbarAndroid from RN. And all works fine. But anyway, i'll check again the work flow.

Oh i understood, i think that can be a good resolution in that case. I'll try it.

@ratiw Ya, sorry dude, i forgot to warn you about that, anyway i fixed it myself with something similar like your code. Yesterday night i did tried another change inside...

@IsraelOrtuno You're right about this. But maybe this is the way it works the DTO, i know is a bit annoying if you have a lot of properties, to set...

hi all, i notice that sometimes, when tohex in called to a double number, toBn return an array, so this is the error on "Call to a member function toHex()...