Michael Chaney
Michael Chaney
In app/views/volunteers/index.html.erb, we have the following series of checkboxes for the supervisor filter: ``` ``` That leads to this filter in app/datatables/volunteer_datatable.rb: ``` def supervisor_filter @supervisor_filter ||= if (filter =...
In CreateCustomerProfileFromTransactionRequest the customerProfileId was improperly specified as a NumericStringsType. This commit removes the designation. Note that in some places customerProfileId is specified as an Integer, which is correct. There...
1. set to "secure" in production 2. HttpOnly set to true 3. SameSite is now Strict
Closes #93, "Why is the ||= removed? current_user method". This adds memoization back to current_user / Current.user, plus causes log out when the current session is destroyed. With this change,...
This fairly complex and kind of ugly change fixes the token reuse issue for email confirmation.
Closes #88.