Michel Betancourt

Results 12 comments of Michel Betancourt

i'm interested too :thinking:, in my case i just read works of other developers about that

cool definitely more elegant that solution

is this issue abandoned? would love to have client credentials

since this issue isn't moving forward, I've implemented my own "client credential" grant type, tomorrow I'll do a pull request ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22435967/159426707-611d9a4b-f505-458c-9289-32b404920966.png)

i think ```ts @param.query.required() format: string ``` it's very cool isn't?

> Please keep in mind that the parameter name cannot be inferred at runtime, it must be provided by the developer. I had certainly forgotten :smile: since required is a...

what you think about ```ts import { chainReaction } from 'vue-chemistry' const filterValue = ref(6); const arr = chainReaction([1, 2, 3]).map((it) => it * 3).filter((it) => it > filterValue.value) console.log(arr)...

@ajpen add in the README examples with the new features also now the functions are only called with the needed parameters

- create a test file - write some test - remove test file then the ui throws that error it's a ui error (console output it's fine), if you restart...

:( i wanna use this test runner for a server side code with relations ([loopback](https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb4/HasMany-relation.html#defining-a-hasmany-relation)) and i need the metadata provided at runtime (the circular dependency is solved with lazy...