Miguel de Benito Delgado
Miguel de Benito Delgado
See [this PR](https://github.com/MhLiao/TextBoxes_plusplus/pull/76)
Cuda 9 if I recall correctly.
This seems to happen with other options as well. Setting any of the following actually has the opposite effect. ``` pre-summary-newline = false pre-summary-multi-line = false blank = false ```
Actually, I think that the problem is not that the event is "evaluated twice" but that subscriptions are called after update with the new model, i.e. with `model.dropdown = True`....
Attachment migration is only supported using S3. Have you configured a bucket?
I cannot reproduce. Does this happen for all pdfs, always? Or is it random?
Not really. The GH api sets the owner to the one making the request. The only way is to make requests as the different users (with different tokens) or to...
Sadly, the issue import API [does not allow](https://gist.github.com/jonmagic/5282384165e0f86ef105#supported-issue-and-comment-fields) setting the creator of an issue. The only solutions I know of are the two I listed (and I'm not sure about...
That would be a very useful contribution! Can we expect a PR? 😃
I agree that it should be possible to add several files. I've been thinking about your last point too and I guess the only way one can ensure reproducibility is...