Martin Datsev
Martin Datsev
```js const shouldUseSourceMap = process.env.GENERATE_SOURCEMAP !== 'false'; ``` Therefore you can add `GENERATE_SOURCEMAP=false` to .env instead.
Here is my code if that helps: ```js client.addEventHandler(async (ev) => { const message = ev.message; console.log(await message.getChat()); // => undefined console.log(await message.getInputChat()); // => object console.log(await message.getChat()); // =>...
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I have the same problem. It's hard to reproduce and when it happens the sdk hides the details of why it failed. I opened another issue #77
I managed to get it working using an older node version. I saw there was ./uws_linux_64.node so I used node version 10.20.1 (last with version 64 ABI) - you can...