Mischa Dasberg
Mischa Dasberg
The new version of ng-apimock has already implemented this. https://github.com/ng-apimock/core/blob/master/MIGRATION.md @RobertAlblas @marcioferlan Could you upgrade to the latest version?
Looks like a great addition. Lets see if we can get a working poc for this.
@moefinley the ngapimock middleware does not go to the next middleware function unless you set your scenario to passthrough in apimock. Do you want to set a variable that is...
@vinibas you can use the new version of ng-apimock. It has been split up into modules. [here](https://github.com/ng-apimock/demo/blob/master/protractor-plugin/protractor.conf.js) you can find a demo of protractor configuration.
Of course that would be an option. I will have to look into it. Do you have any implementation ideas?
@lakshmi-236 can you provide a dummy setup so I can have a look?
@lakshmi-236 ng-apimock has a [new version](https://github.com/ng-apimock), which is modular. I have just released a new version of the base-client (1.0.15) that supports https. Please let me know if you run...
@wswebcreation nice catch. The expression is converted to a regular expression, hence using a / will not work
I have a task on the backlog to make this configurable in the new version. https://github.com/ng-apimock/base-client/issues/5
@ynsfasttoday could you share what you have now? Stack traces for instance?