Robert Santana
Robert Santana
@RicoSuter: Could we improve the exceptions generated for such scenarios? I rely on these exceptions for logging and alerts, it's very confusing to read "An unexpected server error occurred" when...
I don't understand why so much overthinking around it. We should wrap api calls around try/catch either way and act accordingly (or are you assuming an API call will never...
@skironDotNet: I honestly cannot understand why there's so much fuss about this 404 issue... We are discussing as if trying/catching an API call for errors were the end of the...
Joining this thread this time also because of KeyVault. My issue is that the KeyVault resource requires the access policies array to be provided, which means that if I deploy...
+1 I wanted to add my to support this feature request. Angular has grown a lot since its first release and the entire community has grown as well, patterns has...
In case it helps, I have one Consumption Function App with 3 functions: (simplified) ``` public Task Post( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, nameof(HttpMethods.Post))] HttpRequest httpRequest, [Blob("%DocumentsUploadContainer%/{rand-guid}", FileAccess.ReadWrite)] BlobClient blobClient, [Queue("%DocumentsUploadQueue%")] IAsyncCollector documentUploadMessages, CancellationToken...