Matt Dancho

Results 64 issues of Matt Dancho

Warning from various mapped functions. Looks to be not an issue, but annoying. ``` r library(tidyquant) library(tidyverse) Ra % tq_get(get = "stock.prices", from = "2010-01-01", to = "2015-12-31") %>% group_by(symbol)...

Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘tidyquant’: .onAttach failed in attachNamespace() for 'tidyquant', details: call: NULL error: Function getThemeInfo not found in RStudio"

Error with `_xy` functions when data frame names are `x` and `y`. ``` r library(tidyquant) # Loads tidyverse, tidyquant, financial pkgs, xts/zoo df % tq_mutate_xy(x, y, mutate_fun = runCor) #>...


Should be able to reduce functions by 50%. Deprecate old NSE functions.

Increase code coverage by: * Adding tests for quandl API and alphavantager API. Include encrypted API key to pass Travis. * Review code cov and add tests as appropriate.

Review quantstrat and other packages that support backtesting. Investigate methods to incorporate into tidyquant.


This issue is documented in the `dplry` github issue When doing grouped or binding operations in `dplyr`, the `zoo::yearmon` and `yearqtr` classes are not preserved. The error that occurs...

Evaluate Pytorch forecasting for use in a Modeltime Ecosystem Package.

# Modeltime Ecosystem Roadmap The __`modeltime` project roadmap__ tracks the overall development of the Modeltime Ecosystem of forecasting packages. Modeltime is a cutting-edge ecosystem for forecasting using strategies and best...


Develop functionality to generate accuracy and confidence intervals by a Time Series ID, in addition to global accuracy & CI.