Mauricio Cunha
Mauricio Cunha
I'm trying to put a zoom button on my easyzoom container to toggle the zoom effect, it's work, but the navigation on thumbnails doesn't work after trigger button. ` var...
Which of symbols in class is equivalent to UCC-128 ?
Everything its ok:  But when I run php artisan discord:setup Receive: You must paste your Discord token (App Bot User token) into your `services.php` config file. What is wrong...
The plugin haven't destroy method, so I did a simple test (works for me), but will be good if the plugin has a method destroy() native if (response.status == 'ok')...
The plugin needs an event handler for notify when an image preloaded is deleted (and call server backend to delete too)
During the tests, I saw two problems: 1) The error messages (like maximum number of files selected) is hard coded, it will be good if we can set it via...
I cannot see in document a way to use data attributes of the target, like: data-max-files data-label Is is possible in next update ?
Config of my ckeditor: `CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) { config.uiColor = '#ffffff'; config.language = 'pt-br'; config.filebrowserBrowseUrl = CKEDITOR.basePath + 'kcfinder/browse.php'; config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl = CKEDITOR.basePath + 'kcfinder/browse.php?type=images'; config.filebrowserImageUploadUrl = CKEDITOR.basePath +...
I did some tests and the popup not is closed when you enter directly on an input box or (if you be into a input box and click it again)
I cannot see anything about CPU , so I search the command line executed and ran manually. ``` [root@centos dashboard2]$ /etc/*-release -bash: /etc/centos-release: Permissão negada ``` Its denied permission problem,...